The fleeting joys of consumption

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Tue Jul 3 15:46:35 PDT 2001

Within which category does reading and responding to maillists fall? Are we consumers or self-realizers here?

:-> Carrol


Like all relations or processes in our complex world, it depends on whether you are producing material for the list or merely consuming its contents. However, passing on articles of others puts you in a `capitalist' mode? Where is the self-realizing joy of controlling the means of production, i.e. labor/value in that?

Don't get me wrong here, if it were not for Lbo, I wouldn't read any news at all.

On the other hand, I pay my isp for this service, so it is a rent, expropriated from me (well, technically my wage, which is nothing more than money from the government-industry of healthcare), just to be part of the collective community of lbo, but from there on, I lose sight of the money trail. Hmm, all very complicated.

Chuck Grimes

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