Montesinos to Peru, Milosevic to the Hague

Chris Burford cburford at
Wed Jul 4 14:50:03 PDT 2001

At 04/07/01 10:41 -0400, you wrote:
>This is all good, because the targets of this kind of thing so far have been
>people the left sees as enemies. But I'm sure the right will try to grab ahold
>of it too. Already there have been efforts by the Miami Cubans (called
>by Luis Ortega, my favorite Spanish columnist), to indict Fidel Castro for
>shooting down the Hermanos al Rescate (Brothers to the Rescue) airplane a few
>years ago.
>How are we going to address this? A question that needs some thought.
>Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema

a) it is clearly a powerful trend that is likely to grow in scope

b) it is a deeply contradictory process that progressive people will have to watch carefully. My theoretical take on this, is that finance capital is promoting the spread of global legal practices based on bourgeois right. In some circumstances that can be progressive eg versus feudal practices, or fascist practices. But there are distinct limitations on bourgeois right. It fails to take into account social context, and the rights of communities rather than just an aggregation of abstract bourgeois individuals and it is highly vulnerable to being biased by the power of money.

Chris Burford


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