What's wrong with being 'intellectual'?

Dennis dperrin13 at mediaone.net
Mon Jul 9 06:16:25 PDT 2001

> I prefer the word 'learned' rather than 'intellectual', because I think
> many 'unlearned' people have high 'intellect' but don't necessarily have
> opportunity to develop 'it' as they would like to.
> Arrogance relating to the possession of certain specific knowledge is what
> is offensive (as is any form of arrogance). I believe the medical
> display this unfortunate trait to a high degree (in their assumptions that
> patients are incapable of understanding medical concepts and their
> refusal to share their knowledge with 'underlings').
> Hierarchies in organisations simply perpetuate this arrogance.
> Knowledge is something that should be shared rather than used as a 'status
> symbol'. I wish the school and University I went to had more
> 'intellectuals'.
> Brenda Rosser

Absolutely. Human intelligence crosses every political/social boundary, and this is what sends the Smart Crowd into its defensive posture.

Years ago I was friendly with a medical crowd -- doctors and dentists and psychiatrists -- and used to party with them. To this day I've yet to encounter the level of arrogance and elitism I dealt with there. The majority of these people were in it strictly for the bread; they hated people in general, and made fun of many of their patients. They drank till they puked or passed out and more than a few had a taste for coke (being doctors they got hold of some primo flake). Whenever I broached the topic of socialized medicine they practically choked on their cocktail olives. "What?! Give up the summer house and boat and jet ski so that some n-words get a free flu shot! Ha!"

Good thing I didn't bring up the Cuban model of international medical service. I'd love to see some of these assholes serve in an African village riddled with disease.


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