
Brad DeLong delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Jul 12 15:35:41 PDT 2001

>Brad Delong wrote:
>> It still strikes me as very strange. According to people who ought to
>> know, Bush offered Saddam Hussein the resolution of all prewar oil
>> drilling disputes on Iraqi terms, plus a bunch of money in return for
>> the peaceful Iraqi evacuation of Kuwait. But Saddam Hussein believed
>> that he had a dominating interest in being seen to stand up to the
>> U.S. in a military confrontation (even if he lost decisively) and
>> Bush believed that he had a dominating interest in demonstrating
>> America's military power...
>Gee whiz.
>That's approximately the exact opposite of what actually happened. Here's a
>useful summary of pre-Gulf War diplomacy, by Noam Chomsky:

Primary sources? Chomsky's take on reality is... weird. For example... in his potted history of the Allied reconquest of the Mediterranean, Chomsky tries to leave readers with the impression that the U.S. reconquered Africa and Italy and only then decided to put fascists like Darlan and Badoglio back in power, when the truth was quite different...

Brad DeLong

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