Heh, that is a Lyndon LaRouche rag! Barrington Moore, Jr. by the way is not a philosopher. Economic historian closer to the mark. Look him up on Amazon.com, his classic work is, "Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, "Beacon Press. Has a new oner out, "Moral Purity In History, " if I'm remembering right. I'll comment later on in the week on this piece on the Frankfurt School. I've forwarded it to those that have read way more Marcuse, Adorno and Habermas than I. In the meantime pick up, Martin Jay, "The Dialectical Imagination, " and/or a more recent text by Rolf Wiggershaus, published by M.I.T. Press on the Frankfurt School, among the many works available. Also recommended books by Albrecht Wellmer, H. Honneth, Susan Buck-Morss, recent biography of W. Benjamin published by Verso. Michael Pugliese