
joanna bujes joanna.bujes at ebay.sun.com
Thu Jul 19 13:43:26 PDT 2001

At 02:23 PM 07/19/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>maybe you didn't mean it this way joanna, but still, there's just no
>"really" race.

I wasn't clear, but what I meant was that zionists DO speak of a jewish race.

I myself was educated before pomo, therefore I was taught that there were three races: black, white, and asian. However, since then I have realized that this concept is a product of the mind/culture rather than of biology. Nevertheless, just because I don't believe in it, doesn't mean that other people don't believe in it and I was particularly focusing on the zionist concept of the "chosen people" ... the jewish race and all that it leads to.

Joanna Bujes

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