
Brad Mayer bradley.mayer at ebay.sun.com
Thu Jul 19 21:09:59 PDT 2001

At 12:05 PM 7/19/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >> I still think the Palestinians were never stronger politically than
> >> when they were mobilized on a non- or quasi-non-violent basis.

Edward Said was recently right on one point: the error, so far, of Palestinian organizations has been not to pursue the struggle here on the home turf, the USA - the real "homeland" of Zionism. No doubt this was one of the many PLO sellouts as part of the Oslo "peace process" deal - stay out of the USA. Compare this to the ANC, whose political agents were quite active abroad building international solidarity. This difference surely was no accident.

> It looks more and more like they are now the ones who are going to be
> >> driven into the sea

Actually, the plan all along was - and is - Jordan. "Jordan is Palestine" was of Sharon coinage.

The rather smugly put phrase, "driven into the sea" exposes the subconscious desire of "liberal" Zionists that, short of the officially desired "two state solution", the Palestinians be cleansed from the "birthright" into non-existence. But liberalism was never particularly pacifistic, was it?

But they won't disappear. Instead, a million more desperately angry Palestinians will pour into Jordan, joining the Palestinians who make up 55% of the population in perhaps toppling Uncle Sam's other client in Amman. They will create a state full of hatred for the US and Israel. Right next to Iraq.

So, the game won't be over. Zionist hell will continue until the destruction of the US position in the Middle East, which is inevitable.

So you might as bail out while you can, ideologically speaking.

And thank you wojtek, for by and large sparing me from comment on the questions of race, racism, etc., much tangled up here. "Race" is a pseudo-scientific category. Interestingly in this context, the Semitic and Berber peoples are officially classified as "Caucasian".

-Brad Mayer

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