JG: When were you appointed the spokesperson for everyone else? I'm not the only person who feels this way.
mbs: no but there are damn few of you. That doesn't mean you're wrong, but it does mean there is a communications between you and the rest of the universe to consider.
> Whoever
> can't see the difference shouldn't be in
> politics. Not that you're in politics.
And what does it mean to be "in politics?"
mbs: see above
> Question: why should he look at you, given
> your statement, as anything other than someone
> from a galaxy far, far away?
Because I'm not from a galaxy far, far away. Or you could point out that the Pope supports many of the more moderate demands of the protestors. And so do unions (some unions support the more radical demands, too). Joe
mbs: "Demands" are not the issue. I support them too. Tactics & strategy are. Yours are from hunger. You & your buds need to watch "Gandhi" about five times.