looking for a laugh?

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at tsoft.com
Tue Jun 5 15:14:38 PDT 2001

Fwd from Ian Murray:

I just found this while looking up something on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists website;


You know what isn't so funny, really, is that George W is seriously paranoid. If you notice he never appears in crowds, he is never on the street, he is never seen getting into or out of limos, except behind awnings. His only appearances are in front of very tightly secured and very staged audiences and forums. His trip to California must have driven his security team batty trying to figure out how and where to show up. He landed on a military base and then took a helicopter to federally controlled land in Sequoia National Park---which has one long road in and out.

At first I thought he was just up-tight. But I've decided his paranoia comes from feeling guilty that he stole the election. He's like a kid who hides in his room to eat cookies pilfered from the kitchen. Weird.

With Lott making pronouncements about the illegitimate democrats controlling the Senate and Kristal going off on the demise of the conservative movement, maybe the best tactic is to feed their own twisted up interpretations of reality. I don't know how to do that, but it would be fun trying to figure it out.

I did think of one thing to do with the California utility crisis. Have the state charge all the federal installations, including the military bases a pro-rated fee on top of their utility bills to re-coup the profits going to Texas and schedule rolling black outs to hit them first on the list.

Chuck Grimes

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