
kenneth.mackendrick at utoronto.ca kenneth.mackendrick at utoronto.ca
Wed Jun 6 13:39:41 PDT 2001

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 11:38:10 -0700 Michael Pugliese <debsian at pacbell.net> wrote:

> What about another Habermasian collection,
http://mitpress.mit.edu/book-home.tcl?isbn=0262580748 "Observations on "The Spiritual Situation of the Age"

There are contributions by Dorothee Soelle, Johann Baptist Metz and Jurgen Moltmann but the rest is... well... the title comes from the 1000th edition of the de Gruyter Publishing Company's book by Jaspers... and to celebrate the 1000th Suhrkamp publication they put together a similar book with a collection of essays under the same name "The Spiritual Situation of the Age" - there are sections on politics and society, culture and religion, history and German affairs. For Habermas on religion we have to look to (published last week) _The Liberating Power of Symbols_ which has a rather interesting collection of responses to symbolicists, theologians and a film maker.


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