populist.org column on Sullivan and Judicial Nominations

kelley kelley at interpactinc.com
Wed Jun 6 19:30:51 PDT 2001

At 07:37 PM 6/6/01 -0400, Nathan Newman wrote:
> So it
>was with great glee that a few of his ideological opponents in the gay
>movement tracked his use of an Internet site where gay men sought out one
>another for unprotected sex. His opponents passed the information onto the
>broader media and a minor media firestorm ensued.

could you provide evidence for the glee

>A shocking newsworthy story? Maybe, although Sullivan is HIV positive and
>sought out only other AIDS-infected partners, so despite the salacious story

actually, this isn't true. he said he'd prefer the other person to be + not that they could ONLY be. moreoever, Nathan, he was looking for bi and group sex experiences. i don't know what that translates into the code of the streets where he lives, but down here it means a group barebacking party where everyone leaves proof and discussion of their HIV status at home.

now, just to make clear, i don't particularly give a crap what he does. i am all for safer sex campaigns that avoid sex panic politics and deal with reality: that people like sex without condoms and that sometimes it happens. there is such a thing as a way to promote sex education and to fight HIV that doesn't entail some sort of absolute prohibition on barebacking. i'm not going to type it all out, but if you take a look at the discussions about the story at LGNY folks go into it in more and better detail than i have time for.

>that the media picked up on, it was actually unclear what was being exposed
>other than prurience at gay sex terms like "barebacking," the term for
>non-safe sex used on the Internet site.

why do you think this is of prurient interest. as a bi-sexual woman who has sex with bi-sexual men, i don't find it in the least bit prurient. if reading andrew shocked you and titallated you, you ought to get out more.

>Yes, it's fun to find that
>moralists of all sexual orientations actually like sex, but it's less fun to
>find out progressive civil libertarians like to invade people's most
>intimate personal privacy when it serves their political purposes.

signorele isn't a civil libertarian last i checked. he is, afterall, involved in the infamous outing controversy.

kind of sick that you'd piggy ahem back on this issue to push some boring old party politics over jeffords ditching the pukes and the shifting power plays in congress.


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