white fear

J Cullen jcullen at austin.rr.com
Sat Jun 9 14:36:25 PDT 2001

The "Heartland" remains overwhelmingly white, and probably will remain so for some time, but even whitebread Iowa has seen a substantial immigration of Mexican and Asian workers in the past decade. Many of them were drawn to jobs in the meatpacking industry after the big packers such as IBP busted the unions. Not all the natives have welcomed the immigrants with open arms (particularly the former union meatpackers), but the influx has maintained the state's population and even allowed it to grow modestly while white kids have been moving to the big cities or the coasts. In some towns, immigrant kids have maintained enrollments and kept schools open that otherwise probably would have merged. Because of immigration, Iowa managed to keep its five congressional representatives after the last census, while surrounding states will lose congress members. The net gain of population hasn't stopped the Republicans from mounting an "English Only" movement, but that could have the salutary effect of binding these immigrants to the Democrats if and when they achieve citizenship. And the introduction of Mexican and Asian food is welcome in the land of pork chops and potato salad, although local hospitals also are seeing more exotic diseases. If only the kids could play football and/or basketball ... Having the best soccer team in northwest Iowa still doesn't have much cachet.

Anyway, the Reconquista is under way, and the white folks who don't like it now know how the Sioux felt in the 1870s.

-- Jim Cullen

>America Disintegrates
>By Sam Francis
>While Time magazine's cover story this week gurgled cheerfully over the
>happy "whole new world" it spies in the disappearance of the U.S. border
>with Mexico, a more sober article in the June issue of American Demographics
>analyzes the new borders that are sprouting up - i nside what used to be the
>United States.
>The second article, by veteran demographer William Frey, looks at the
>findings of the recent census and discovers that while some parts of the
>country really are "melting" - that is, becoming more ethnically "diverse" due
>to massive non-white immigration and higher non-white birth rates - other
>parts aren't. While Dr. Frey, one of the country's leading population and
>immigration experts, doesn't quite say it, what his findings mean is that
>the United States, so far from remaining united, is facing serious regional,
>racial and cultural polarization.
>"America's racial and ethnic patterns have taken on distinctly regional
>dimensions," Dr. Frey writes. While "Hispanics dominate large portions of
>counties in a span of states stretching from California to Texas" and
>"Blacks are strongly represented in counties of the South as well as
>selected urban areas in the Northeast and Midwest," "the minority presence"
>in much of the interior of the country "is still quite limited."
>"The most notable aspect of this map [showing the new national ethnic
>distribution] is the broad stretch of counties from the upper West and Rocky
>Mountains to the Midwest and Northeast that are mostly white, and where none
>of the minority groups come close to approximating their national averages."
>Looking at Dr. Frey's map, you can see that what constitutes the central
>geographical core of the United States in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska,
>Kansas, Missouri and Iowa - with outliers in Minnesota, Idaho, and
>Texas - remains overwhelmingly white.
>The "overall gains" of Hispanics in the past decade "are heavily
>concentrated in the core counties of immigrant metro areas, and in the West
>and Southwestern U.S. Just 100 of these core counties accounted for more
>than 70 percent of all the nation's Hispanic gains during the decade."
>Though Dr. Frey doesn't mention it in this article, one reason for the
>persistence of the white center is that whites are and have been leaving the
>peripheral parts of the country to which non-white immigrants are flocking.
>Writing in the New York Times Magazine in 1995, Dr. Frey and co-author
>Jonathan Tilove noted, "For every immigrant who arrives [in large
>metropolitan areas], a white person leaves. Look collectively at the New
>York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and Boston metropolitan areas--5 of the
>top immigration destinations. In the last half of the 80's, for every 10
>immigrants who arrived, 9 residents left for points elsewhere. And most of
>those leaving were non-Hispanic whites." (1)
>As they also pointed out, what is known as "white flight" originally
>occurred when whites left urban neighborhoods for the suburbs. Now it occurs
>when whites leave entire states. The Third World migration flood isn't the
>only important population movement of our time; another is the First World
>flight away from the Third World flood.
>The myth of the "melting pot" holds that as aliens enter American society,
>they "melt" or assimilate into a larger, homogeneous, national porridge.
>Maybe that happened in the country's past, but Dr. Frey's article shows it's
>not happening now.
>What's happening now is that the historic white population of the United
>States is voting with its feet and surrendering the periphery of the nation
>to non-white immigrants and native blacks. Not only does that contradict the
>treasured melting pot mythology but also it points to major conflicts in the
>future between the unmelted ethnic and racial lumps.
>The racial breakdown of voting behavior became obvious enough this last
>election, with the Democrats sweeping blacks and Hispanics into their
>pockets and the Republicans winning a smaller majority of whites. Once the
>whites and non-whites have divvied up the nation between them, as Dr. Frey's
>map shows is happening, the political polarization of the two regions - the
>coastal and border areas vs. the interior - will follow. So will the cultural
>polarization, as the values, manners, tastes and beliefs of the different
>regions also pull apart. The polarization also has major economic
>implications, as corporate marketeers try to surf their products and
>services through different cultural waves.
>The polarization by race, culture, politics, and region may or may not lead
>to the much-ballyhooed second civil war or the actual Balkanization of the
>nation into separate political and territorial units, but it will certainly
>mean that America will be less of a nation, enjoy less of a common way of
>life and become less than it once was and could have been had not our
>short-sighted and selfish ruling class insisted on permitting mass
>(1) Frey, William H. and Jonathan Tilove, "Immigrants In, Native Whites
>Out," The New York Times Magazine, August 20, 1995
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