coerced treatment

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Wed Jun 13 09:54:28 PDT 2001

>Ian Murray wrote:
>> ==========
>> The current pharmaco-therapeutic regime exists for the sake of workers
>> and managers of "mental" institutions, which in turn exist for
>> Capital; that they might benefit patients is epiphenomenal, given our
>> immense ignorance of our own brains.
>> Ian
>This is my sense of it too -- having watched the for-profit nursing
>home industry, the adult "care" industry, the home "care" industry,
>state institutions for the deaf, the blind and the "incurables."
>These corporations and institutions benefit much more than the
>"patients" who are often forced to live in them. People are forced to
>be there by powerful lobbied interests which serve to keep the funding
>going to their vested interest rather than to the individual to make a
>choice about where they would like to live and with whom.

What's the practical alternative to "the for-profit nursing home industry, the adult 'care' industry, the home 'care' industry, state institutions for the deaf, the blind and the 'incurables'"? Since you appear to be arguing against both state & corporate institutions (as well as anything in-between), what is left? Families? Friends? Living alone?


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