BK on Identity

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Sat Mar 3 16:39:23 PST 2001

Ian writes:

>a race based wage premium.

Undoubtedly the problem of a race-based wage "premium" exists. Racism makes white workers suffer absolutely but makes them suffer less than black & other discriminated-against workers do. It is a case of buying into Orwellian Newspeak, however, to say that less suffering is a "benefit" to white workers & that therefore "it is in the interest of whites and males to maintain their employment privilege because it sustains their higher earnings," as Heather Boushey, theorists of "white privilege," etc. argue.

>The main source of potential data as regards the emergence in statistical
>correlations of a wage premium [or lack thereof] are the records of scores of
>thousands of firms payroll policies. As these are largely proprietary
>information under capitalist property rights, there is an enormous
>methodological barrier to getting a rock solid case either way [Quine-Duhem

One of the anti-racist class-struggle demands should be, "Open the Books!"

Let's focus on the Boss's power to exploit _both_ black & white workers, at the same time keeping an eye on the degree to which black workers are _more exploited_ than white workers.


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