Muppets (was Re: BK on Identity)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Wed Mar 7 23:59:43 PST 2001

> > Anecdotes -- especially un-representative anecdotes -- allow you to
>> grasp neither structure nor agency, much less agency rooted in
>> structure. Everyone has anecdotes -- including neo-conservatives who
>> can also trot out black muppets (my black neighbor, my black friend,
>> etc.) in their anecdotes.
>> Yoshie
>Better to have charts and graphs. Gotta hand out the regressions to the one's
>who believe in the material benefits of racism [make it so!] first so they can
>feel confirmed by the high priests of civilization. Don't worry, they're
>sufficiently beyond the rational/irrational dyad to let any counter evidence
>deter them from their ways.
>"Dr. My multiple sclerosis symptoms disappear after I smoke pot."
>"No, that's impossible, we don't have any evidence of that."

Why limit alternatives to anecdotes versus charts, graphs, and regression analyses? Rejection of the former doesn't logically entail the embrace of the latter.


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