Mises University

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Sat Mar 10 09:15:46 PST 2001

Chapter XXXVI in the Paleo vs. Neo war. As always, Raimondo is a hoot to read. A writer for NR heaping scorn and ignorance on Hayek and Mises would be like the editors of NLR doing same for M & E. (Whatever lnp3 thinks on that score, NLR just lost his $47renewal). And Eugene Genovese in the new Atlantic on "States Rights" in the new Atlantic. On their website, Lingua Franca highlighted it yesterday. BTW, the new book by Rick Perlstein on AuH20 is out. Doug was interviewed for the book, I see. Looks like another book, along with another one from Princeton Univ. Press on 60's Orange County conservatism to give a look see. One anecdote from the Perlstein caught my eye yesterday. A Daily Worker editor says, "We are the Responsible Left." Gesturing down the stret towards the office of the SWP (misidentified as the Trotskyist Progressive Workers Party! Hill & Wang editors, jeesh), "They are the Irresponsible Left."

Michael Pugliese

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