Wise on School Shootings and White Denial

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Sat Mar 10 18:24:59 PST 2001

>> The fact of the matter is that schools, black and white, are not more
>> dangerous, but are safer than they were a generation ago.
>This seems probable to me but I would like to see some empirical
>data on it. As to the violent incidents I think that they are of
>no significance -- that is, they are more or less random events which
>will not, on analysis, reveal a 'pattern' of any interest. The
>media can and do use them to create purely illusory 'crises' which
>then both rationalize increased repression and deflect public
>attention from real crises.

Here I agree with Carrol. Also, there's the guilt placed upon working moms. I suspect schools are more "policed" or repressive now than they were a generation ago. This is just a guess. Anecdotal evidence alert: I remember back in the late '80s when my public high school campus was "closed" so that students could no longer roam off campus during lunch or breaks. Students protested by wearing black and white striped t-shirts with their ID numbers written on them like prisoner tags.


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