From monopoly pricing to price wars :-)

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Mon Mar 12 18:57:32 PST 2001

`..Ivory Coast's minister for Aids, Assana Sangare, said yesterday her country would buy discounted drugs from Merck, Bristol Myers Squibb and GlaxoSmithKline, bringing the cost of the sort of three-drug combination used to combat HIV/Aids in the west down to around $1,200 a year...''


If Cipla's drugs work just as well, then fuck Merck, Bristal, et al. Go with the Indians. In fact, fucking boycott the west entirely.

We are pigs and will turn around in a year or two when the winds of protest are gone and start raising prices, locking in deals, buying ministries of health to insure monopolies, and all the other capitalist pig bullshit we are famous for. So get ahead of the deal now while you still can.

Chuck Grimes,

who boycott's his own company's HMO, Kaiser, because the fuckers won't cover wheelchair repair---which is what I do for a living. Goes around, comes around or something like that.

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