"Another trouble spot for Mr. Bush is that there are deep and lingering resentments among black Americans toward his election. Although more than half of Americans now accept Mr. Bush as the legitimate president, three-quarters of black Americans do not." Isn't it nice that more than half of Americans accept Bush as legit? What modern president has ever been seen as being in office illegitimately?
Here are the numbers behind that (which are on the website, but not not in the paper):
26. Would you say George W. Bush legitimately won the 2000 presidential election, or not?
Legitimately won Did not win legitimately DK/NA 12/00 CBS 53 40 7 1/15-17/01 CBS 51 43 6 3/8-12/01 Total 56 37 7 3/8-12/01 Whites 63 30 6 3/8-12/01 Blacks 16 76 8