more WBAI stuff

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Wed Mar 14 13:20:45 PST 2001

An excerpt from an article in Haiti Progres, January 10-16, 2001, concerning on of the people that interim station manager Utrice Leid has surrounded herself with:

>It also must be noted that in the early 1990s, Utrice Leid was
>editor at the now defunct Brooklyn-based African American
>newspaper The City Sun, which among other unenlightened political
>positions, justified the September 1991 coup d'etat in Haiti. In
>an Oct. 2, 1991 article entitled "A Lesson in Irony: An
>Experiment Gone Awry," Leid's writer Hugh Hamilton argued that
>President Jean-Bertrand Aristide got what was coming to him due
>to his "separation, not only from the democratic institutions of
>the country, but from significant parts of the constituency that
>elected him." Hamilton's analysis came, not surprisingly, from
>Ray Joseph, editor of the right-wing pro-coup weekly Haiti
>Observateur, who is quoted extensively and exclusively in the
>article. Another "lesson in irony": Observateur was The City
>Sun's neighbor in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. In the years since,
>Joseph's politics have become as reactionary as his journalism is
>flaky. Nonetheless, he has been invited more than once on Leid's
>"Talk Back" program, of which Hamilton has taken over as host
>since her "promotion."

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