men more aggressive, women more emotional...

Kelley Walker kelley at
Wed Mar 14 17:25:27 PST 2001

At 04:06 PM 3/14/01 -0800, joanna bujes wrote:
>kelly writes:
>"i'd assumed charles was kidding, so i teased him back. but if not, i'll
>say this: it's the classic thing that men in my classes say when we talk
>about why women's bodies are more prominent in various media than are
>men's. OF COURSE! it's because men are naturally ugly while women are
>naturally beautiful. men are dirty and stinky, as well! heh. criminy!"
>It does not follow, from saying that women are beautiful that 1) they are
>not anything else or that 2) men are ugly. Beauty (not necessarily in the
>sexual sense) is simply one of the essential qualities of women. I, as a
>woman, am not even hard-wired to be sensitive to it, and yet I recognize
>it and am sometimes bowled over by it.

uh thanks, but i was talking about my students attitudes. not mine. hence, the prefatory remarks. given that i'd already tsked tsked chaz, i was pretty sure that was obvious.


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