And the AFL-CIO China turn? Or are they not part of the anti-globalization movement either?
Sure, in the 'radical' anti-g. movement nationalism is roundly critiqued, but on has to be hiding under a rock not to see right-left links in the broader anti-globalisation movement globally - e.g. the links that de Fabel van de Illegaal documented, and the fact that rightwingers pitched up at N30 in Paris (and were physically expelled from the march). And right/left links deep within the Nader camp - even if Nader is not a radical, he and the people around him still command a lot of respect in the 'broad left'. Is the 'broad left' irrelevant as well?
If the Angela Chip refers to is the same Angela who used to be on LBO-talk, she deals with this stuff from the context of anti-borders work in Australia (via xborder) - so no doubt she is quite familiar with xenophobic slants on anti-globalisation. (As am I, here in South Africa)
Peter -- Peter van Heusden <pvh at> NOTE: I do not speak for my employer, Electric Genetics "Criticism has torn up the imaginary flowers from the chain not so that man shall wear the unadorned, bleak chain but so that he will shake off the chain and pluck the living flower." - Karl Marx, 1844 k*256^2+2083 OpenPGP: 1024D/0517502B : DE5B 6EAA 28AC 57F7 58EF 9295 6A26 6A92 0517 502B