More about the French elections

Shane Mage shmage at
Tue Mar 20 09:49:45 PST 2001

jc helary wrote:

>as a complement to Brad on 'non communist parties', FO (force ouvriere) and
>LCR (ligue communiste revolutionnaire) are 4th international groups and they
>have been more and more popular since winter 95, as well as a lot of LCR
>related unions (SUD branch unions).

Just a small correction:

FO (force ouvrière) is not a party but one of France's major trade union confederations. It began as a social-democratic split from the CP-controlled

CGT, but is today at least as leftist as the CGT and is substantially influenced by one of the French Trotskyist groups (the so-called "Lambertistes"). The "4th internationalist" party referred to is Lutte Ouvrière, headed by Arlette Laguiller. However, while LO is certainly "Trotskyist" it isn't quite correct to call it "4th internationalist," since it originated in a pre-WW2 split over, among other things, the decision to establish the 4th International and, unlike the Krivine and Lambert groups, it has never been affiliated to any of the avatars of the "4th International."

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things."

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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