Pacifica - the Cooper censor

Marta Russell ap888 at
Wed Mar 21 09:29:25 PST 2001

A panel discussion on Pacifica and Free Speech issues, sponsored by the KPFK Local Advisory Board, the National Lawyers Guild, LA, FAIR, National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) and the Humanitarian Law Project is taking place in Los Angeles on March 23. Panelists include Juan

Gonzalez, Amy Goodman and Bernard White, as well as representatives from other media organizations.

(time, place of panel are at the end of this message)

Pacifica and KPFK manager Mark Schubb and his employee, AFTRA union steward Marc Cooper, have been working hard to pressure participants and sponsoring organizations to withdraw support and participation. Ramona Ripston, head of the Southern California ACLU was to have been the moderator, but has withdrawn due to pressure from Schubb, Cooper and their allies in Los Angeles.

Patricia Guadelupe, PNN Director, has entered the fray, attempting to pressure the NAHJ into also withdrawing. She sent an e-mail to members of the organization, which is below. Following that, is Juan Gonzalez' eloquent reply, titled " Such ridiculous dreamers we dare to be" ************************************

Early on Cooper squashed any discussion of the Pacifica Board matter. Cooper has entirely too much power at KPFK -- is it related to his contact with the NATION?

-- Marta Russell

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