FWD ,nettime> cats meaow panel report

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at tsoft.com
Fri Mar 23 00:57:58 PST 2001

``...how they're *displayed* is another question, though. at one point, the relationship between the exhibition's de rigeur white-cube minimalist presentation of its objects was squarely addressed. antonelli insisted that the absence of any productive clutter (or, rather, any simulacrum of it) or messy historical contextualization didn't push the exhibition away from 'design' and toward 'art'; but her protestations weren't especially convincing, since there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that the MoMA would ever realy display its warez in their fated context, namely, the dustbin of history.'' t


This would be from situational-rubber-meets-the-historical-road, Byfield?

The dustbin.dotcom, has an contextual image in my mind. It is a warehouse interior, filled with pallets and racks of monitors, printers, and computer boxes, interrupted only by more cluttered containers, perhaps the bulk-mail canvas covered dollies from the US Postal Service filled with keyboards, mice, and the other miscellanea and memorabilia. To complete the link with alienated labor, you need to imagine a forklift operator who has locked a pallet load in mid air, while taking a brief break to pop in another cd (burned off napster listings) for his head-set.

They had an auction last weekend here and whole network lots were sold off for pennies on the dollar.

Say hello to Ted.

Chuck Grimes

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