Reparations -- Yes? (was Re: Joy In Horowitzville)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Fri Mar 23 07:17:09 PST 2001

>Justin Schwartz wrote:
>>Congress could appropriate the money and write checks to the
>>individuals involved.
>What inidividuals? The possibility of big checks would probably
>double the black population overnight - which would probably be a
>good thing, but still, an administrative nightmare, no?
>I think the practical problems aren't just some detail, but emerge
>from the whole notion of how race is defined. Just as the
>"multiracial" category on the Census is leading us away from the
>one-drop rule, reparations would lead us back to it.

Since categories of races have always been historically & politically defined, as you acknowledge, reparations don't introduce a new element of complexity in political life. Recall the era of Jim Crow & Passing. Remember the plight of black Seminoles. National & international debates on reparations will simply take away from the ideological power of naturalization.


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