Krugman on Cal power

Brad Mayer bradley.mayer at
Mon Mar 26 12:49:32 PST 2001

Truly remarkable that the "not enough electricity" falsehoods are being repeated here. In fact there is plenty of electricity generating capacity - it is simply not being utilized due to the capitalist market. One doesn't have to await court decisions to figure this one out.

"California electricity autarchy" is advocated by those who wish to avoid blaming the capitalist market. Last I heard, California was part of the United States and, in a supposed "era of globalization", one would think transmitting electricity _within_ the US would be no big deal. In fact it has been going on for some time as one would expect, since California has a concentration of population while the surrounding Western states have a concentration of resources. But that's the absurdity of the autarchic hysteria.

But if we must have autarchy, perhaps we should ditch the US altogether as useless and harmful to the population of California.

-Brad Mayer Oakland, CA

At 10:33 AM 3/25/01 -0500, you wrote:
>However, IMO, availability is the most important
>problem. California does not create nearly enough
>electricity to meet its own needs. That is the crux of
>the problem. (The reason L.A. DWP is able to provide
>cheap uninterrupted power to the City of Los Angeles is
>because they produce most of their power in plants in
>Utah and Arizona. 45% being coal, which is against the
>law to burn in California. The other reason is the
>cowboy hat wearing head of L.A. DWP refused to go along
>with the deregulation).

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