Student Protests Against Horowitz Ad]

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Wed Mar 28 06:45:42 PST 2001

Dennis wrote:

>I'm sure the ad misrepresents all sorts of things (a Horowitz specialty),
>but is the "basic concept of reparations" really "gaining diverse support
>around the country"? Somehow I don't get that impression. Poll numbers,
>quotes and the like would be helpful.

There are no polls, as far as I can tell (I searched a poll database yesterday). The closest polls are ones on whether the U.S. should apologize officially for slavery. There's an enormous chasm there, with blacks favoring an apology by about 2/1, and whites opposing it, also about 2/1. Some of those opposing it may object to an apology as an empty Clintonian gesture, but I kind of doubt that.


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