Defacing Websites, "Stealing" Free Papers

Dennis dperrin13 at
Wed Mar 28 20:59:11 PST 2001

> >Because it's bad strategy. Where is it written that revolutionaries never
> >make mistakes and don't need to learn? Do we somehow have a monopoly on
> >perfection or something?
> >
> >-- Dennis [R.]
> That's what some LBO-talkers say. Why should their opinion matter
> more than those of the Brown student activists of color? Especially
> given that some here think that students of color who object to the
> _Daily Herald_ taking racist dollars should just "quit school" & "get
> a working-class job"? Why should the students of color listen to
> you, Dennis P., etc.? It's not as if you, Dennis P., etc. were
> working your asses off trying to make reparations possible anyhow.
> You have no better idea to offer.

> Yoshie

Yoshie, I work with workers of color, specifically black workers, so I need no lectures from you on this front. Reparations is a different topic, and I'd be glad to discuss it. We were talking about the tactics at Brown and what constitutes "free" speech.


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