MSOFT versus Open Source movement

Matt Cramer cramer at
Fri May 4 11:05:15 PDT 2001

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Kelley Walker wrote:

> right matt. your views about marxism and the left (e.g., not knowing what a
> Liberal is v. a liberal) is about laziness, given the web and good old
> fashioned libraries, on my view.

Kel kel kel. The running joke is getting old. You know I know the difference. I played along with the joke for a while, but now it grows tiresome.

But I'll play it one more time. A citation, please, for an example of the way I have insisted on getting my hand held on this topic from a listserv.

> i learned that in college. you went to college and did more than major in
> physics. you're quite capable of getting it rather than spewing off
> nonsense about what you think "leftists" supposedly believe.

References? Citations?

I didn't think so.

> ditto attacks on the so-called luser who doesn't know how to use "help".

Glad I can help you vent your anger towards other people and the things they've apparently said.

If you'd like to throw darts at my ass in symbolism of others who have upset you you know when I'll be in Vegas. And I'll probably be drunk enough to let you do it.


-- Matt Cramer <cramer at> You could be cursed with the three terrible karmas. You could be beautiful, rich, and famous.

-Tyler Durden

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