open source software and "economics"

Peter Kosenko kosenko at
Wed May 9 03:39:25 PDT 2001

Actually, I think the word is kind of funny, since I find the raw geek mentality a little foreign -- a tendency to get caught in some self-referential loop of talk about software, which can make me kind of swoon. "And tell me again, what does the software you write DO?" (Trigger bombs, find tumors, help you make silly pictures that actually make people laugh, shred some right-wing economic "analysis"?) For all his interest in "left" politics, even Richard Stallman never quite seems to get out of the loop. You begin to think that what really bothers him about proprietary software is simply that he can't get in there and play with the code (fun to do, if you've got the puzzle-solving itch, but kind of a rarified taste) to "perfect" it for the sake of perfecting it.

"Some people seem to have more knack for it," I told an artist friend this past week who was overwhelmed with the idea of learning HTML. "But . . . [looking out the window] if it were revealed that beneath all of that out there everything was HTML, I would still prefer the display." (That's a joke.)

Much more interested in people and sociology and their lives. Often, not much thought is given to that among the diehard of the geek tribe.

Uh, like are you sure that you want your refrigerator "calling home" to the factory, really? Why?

Or how about this for a tale from the software crypt that ought to cause Doug some amusement. One of the founders of Earthlink here in California has been nabbed (or whatever they do to initiate these things) for running a Ponzi scheme "investing" money for his Scientology and celebrity friends. Some millions of dollars. Toward the end he was telling people that he had hooked a piece of day trading software that could achieve 60% return on investment. Now there's a creative use of the idea of "vaporware," huh?

Peter Kosenko

Kelley Walker wrote:
> At 09:26 PM 5/8/01 -0700, Peter Kosenko wrote:
> >Okay, so Kelley will call me a "geekazoid" (actually, I am a former
> >English grad student who taught himself how to program, but I have no
> >interest in software as an ultimate "ding an sich," so to speak). 8-:)
> people call me a geekazoid too--tho, i don't program. the point was: i get
> called that regularly now and it is a laugh to those who knew me 2-4 years
> ago. as i already mentioned, i mock geeks-despite being identified as
> one. i am also an academic, and mock them. i'm a sociologist, and mock
> them. i'm a feminist and mock them. and so it goes, as my own form of
> snobbery, which i nicely foregrounded before anyone else did!!! :)--that
> is, i equate the snobbery of geeks with the snobbery of lefties who just
> can't figger out why "the people" or "the workers" are so dumb!
> matt and ac are so het on themselves that they just can't seem to recognize
> this and think i'm knocking hackers in some sort of unique way. right!
> kelley

-- ============================================================= Peter Kosenko Email: mailto:kosenko at URL: ============================================================= "Man is a rational animal. He can think up a reason for anything he wants to believe."--Benjamin Franklin

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