Detroit most segregated city in US

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Thu May 10 09:40:07 PDT 2001

>>> sokol at 05/10/01 10:19AM >>>

Now, lest someone starts babbling about "racism" - this was one of the most integrated and progressive high schools in the area - many kids (including mine) were heavily into the "free Mumia" movement, "clinic defense," visits to Cuba, progressive punk, grafitti, anti-establishment, anti-racism, anti-death- penalty, etc.


CB: "Racism" does not refer primarily to the mental state of individuals, but to a major social structural institution in the U.S. The situation is still a result of racism even if the individual whites involved are progressive minded. "Racism" is not a matter of individual choice . ( The point I am making is usually one that Wojtek himself consistently makes).

Detroit is not a segragated city inside Detroit. The minority of whites who live in Detroit are not residentially segregated from the Black majority. However, Detroit has an large majority Black population (80%) , and Detroit's majority white suburbs are racially segregated from Detroit.

Thread title would be more accurately most racially segregated metropolitan area.

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