political musings of the day

Joanna Sheldon cjs10 at cornell.edu
Sat May 12 15:12:26 PDT 2001

At 07:19 13-05-01, stannard wrote:

>--While I'm at it, should death penalty opponents publicly protest the
>execution of McVeigh?

Of course we should. Never mind whether or not we think he deserves to die. I'd like to nudge him over a cliff, myself. But self-righteous, state-sanctioned, aren't-we-the-greatest-democracy-in-the-world murder is the worst kind there is. IMO.

Aside from which, his public assassination will create a martyr in the cause of -- fuck knows what... The movement against the phantom Commie Pinko Government's control over the God-fearing American People? Against the mysterious mastermindship of the phantom Leftist UN...? Against Blacks, Browns, Jews, Gays and Uppity Women? Es ist ein weites Feld, as Effi Briest's daddy used to say...

Joanna S.


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