Prescription For Fascism: Alternative Medicine and Right-WingPolitics

Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema crdbronx at
Sun May 20 18:25:03 PDT 2001

These perceptions are accurate enough, but remember they are dated and becoming irrelevant.

Gordon Fitch wrote:

> John K. Taber:
> This set me to thinking, and it came to me that
> the medical profession was a profit-making enterprise whose
> personnel were rather conservative politically and socially,
> and that they weren't making any money off over-the-counter
> vitamins. It seemed possible that they were just a bunch
> of guys (mostly guys) who were trying to get rich real fast
> and otherwise reflected the usual unthinking prejudices of
> their culture, class and times. In dawned on me that the
> medical profession might have something other than _my_
> best interests at heart.

Doctors increasingly are proletarianized. This is the website for an organizing committee at a major hospital. These are not interns and residents either.

There is much to criticize about medicine, and some of the examples you cited continue to be accurate, but the notion of the profiteering physician is becoming an anachronism.

Christopher Rhoades Dÿkema

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