The Left, The Public, was Re: Ideology....

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Tue May 29 05:28:49 PDT 2001

>--- Carrol Cox <cbcox at> wrote: >
>> Why of the infinite number of false categories one can extract from
>> daily life in the United States should one pick on the SUV drivers and
>> invent a mystic explanation holding them together as a sort of Platonic
>> form?
>> Please offer
>> me a sociological, historical, or psychological interpretation.
>I think the answer is "because it works", and the restriction of the grounds
>for treating SUV owners as a cateogry to "sociological, historical or
>psychological" is inappropriate. Human beings flock together like sheep,
>presumably for the same reasons as do sheep, and people who have made the same
>kind of choice in one area are likely to have made the same kind of choice in
>other areas. I personally harbour a deep suspicion of the following groups as
>likely to either have repulsive political views, or to be bores, or both, in
>descending order of their performance as more or less reliable indicators:
>People with highly polished shoes
>People with skinhead haircuts
>Yound male owners of Sony Playstations
>Drivers of Porsches
>Drinkers of alcopops
>Men with goatee beards
>There are other groups of people who I tend to like, but naming them
>is nowhere
>near as much fun. Choosing a vehicle has always been something of a statement
>of personality for the class of people who can afford to choose
>their vehicles,
>and I'd be surprised if the SUV thing was any different.

Your post humorously complements Carrol's, instead of contradicting it, in that it shows late capitalism has a way of proliferating false categories _endlessly_ in part because of its style of marketing (which leads us to think that goods are statements of personality for those with consumer choice). False categories are marketing categories -- ways of grouping human beings as first & foremost consumers in relation to what they buy, not as classes in relation to the means of production. Furthermore, as you note, it's fun to participate in naming & interpreting marketing categories, as if we were all marketing experts. Thus advertising sells not just goods but advertisements themselves -- or rather _the acts of advertising & responding to it_ -- as fun.


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