threats to the family...

Seth Ackerman sackerman at
Tue May 29 15:13:37 PDT 2001

The New Republic, 1939.

> ----------
> From: Doug Henwood[SMTP:dhenwood at]
> Reply To: lbo-talk at
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 6:01 PM
> To: lbo-talk
> Subject: threats to the family...
> [An lbo-talk contest, with, unfortunately, no prize. Here's the
> beginning and end of an article. In what publication did this appear,
> and when?]
> The Homosexual: Challenge to Science
> COARSE BUTT of banal humor, condemned and despised, a criminal
> punishable by law, the homosexual continues to flourish. There is a
> cyclical character to this growth that is curious and revealing. In
> our own time, the spate of books on the subject - learned studies,
> novels of justification, poems, plays - may indicate increased
> tolerance rather than an increase of homosexuality. Certainly,
> although the restrictive laws remain, homosexuality is in large
> measure condoned. The homosexual allows himself to appear more boldly
> as such.
> Any endorsement of toleration raises questions of social' policy.
> Would the abrogation of cultural taboos and legal penalties, like a
> removal I of quarantine, multiply. the infection? Perhaps those who
> never would have known what the strange strivings were, would now be
> informed, and succumb. Others who might have exercised restraint,
> might now loose it. Still others might let themselves, be more easily
> seduced by, an attractive world of artists, poets, dancers, designers.
> Does this mean that we ought to advocate censorship or suppression of
> information about homosexuality? Any adequate answer demands
> consideration of its history and causation.
> Homosexuality from farthest antiquity has been known, and a matter of
> controversy. Female homosexuality has always been of much less
> concern because evidences of affection between women are acceptable
> and not suspect. For practical discussion, homosexuality means male
> homosexuality.
> [...]
> In order to get more information, we need fewer strictures, not more,
> on the literature of homosexuality. The Lancet, a British medical
> journal, notes: "Public attitudes may be perpetuating homosexuality
> by preventing any real investigation of the subject." Certainly this
> was true of syphilis before the bold public presentation by Surgeon
> General Parran. More information from homosexuals and more
> investigation of homosexuality will serve to illuminate the subject,
> and perhaps help reduce homosexuality. A scientific study, such as
> was made of the problem of narcotic addiction and control by the New
> York Academy of Medicine, would be very helpful.
> At the same time, treatment opportunities have to be developed so
> that those who are "exposed" and who need or want care can obtain it.
> The sociological, psychoanalytic and legal aspects need to be
> explored much more fully. Although sin and crime tend to be merging
> into sickness, sickness itself undoubtedly has a variety of
> components that can be dealt with separately -if we get to know them.
> The reason we need to concern ourselves with homosexuality as a
> social phenomenon at all is the family. Our basic social structure
> demands a family relationship, and therefore heterosexuality. The
> family is central to the development of humanity not only for
> perpetuation of the race, but because the proper psychological
> development of an individual can only occur within the warm circle of
> the nuclear family. Social and psychological studies indicate quite
> clearly that a strong family structure helps to develop and maintain
> a personality free of dangerous (to self and society) characteristics.
> The family is already under attack from many sides - industrial
> mobility and increasing female employment, contraceptives and
> promiscuity, depersonalization in an increasingly mechanical age.
> Homosexuality is a further threat to its integrity. As such, it needs
> to be treated and prevented. At present cure is difficult, time
> consuming, maybe even impossible for many homosexuals; The key to the
> problem lies in prevention. Prevention waits on knowledge and study.

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