"It would begin with heavy air raids by F-16 and F-15 warplanes against all the main Palestinian Authority installations in Gaza and Ramallah.
It might be preceded by a heavy artillery barrage to soften up targets.
Israel would then deploy around 30,000 paratroopers, infantry and armoured brigades, the equivalent of an army."
Superhawk Zeevi's assasination by the FPLP has provided the opportunity for putting the plan into action. As the official media has reported, the occupation of the Palestinian territories by the IDF is now complete.
However, I've just seen a report (http://www.ptb.be/international/article.phtml?section=A2AAABBSBB&object_id= 5104) on the Belgian Workers' Party site where it is said that "the Israeli army has divided the occupied territories into 64 units and the Gaza Strip into 4 units. The local military can shut off or open up each unit at will. The towns are isolated from each other. Israeli tanks are guarding all the roads". The reporter (Léa Mathy from Solidair) then recounts a demonstration by students from Bir Zeit university who fill in a ditch that the IDF dug across the only road linking Bir Zeit to the 25 surrounding towns.
This could mean that the plan is almost at its final stage, when the Palestinians will be shut off in high-security enclaves behind walls, barbed wire or moats, like the one reported by Mathy.
Can anyone confirm ths or provide further info?
Hakki Alacakaptan