Brad weighs in

Peter K. peterk at
Sat Nov 3 08:55:23 PST 2001

>I am reading _National Review_, the _Weekly Standard_, and the _New
>Republic_--and they are very effective indeed at pushing one back to
>the left...

I appreciate people's wish to keep the list open and not insular and I agree, but my one pet peeve is the New Republic. What they have published about the Palestinians, Nader, Said, and the anti-corporate globalization movement, to name a few, is inexcusable.

I'm mean they're for privatizing social security, no? What are the New Republic's redeeming features? Some of their writers, like John Judis?

I bet Aaron Page was not interested in dialogue in the slightest. I've met a number of New Republic partisans over the years and one thing they have in common - besides immense ambition - is an overriding hatred of the "looney left." (The Nader campaign probably drove a number them over the ledge.) So if they hate us for what we stand for (just as ObL hates the United States) I see no reason to turn the other cheek.


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