Civil Rights & Liberties or "White Privileges"? Re: Green Party official busted at gunpoint

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Mon Nov 5 06:22:38 PST 2001

Art McGee wrote:

> > Well, the same can be said about many Americans'
> > responses to the S11 bombings: surprise, grief, shock,
>> outrage, etc.
>Yes! And the same thing applies there as well you dumbass!
>On the DOWN-LOW, although most BLACK people haven't said so
>PUBLICLY, in private conversations few of them outside of
>the immediate New York area were in any way surprised by
>what happened on September 11th. Most of what you hear is
>the familiar "chickens coming home to roost" refrain, and
>that they wish Black people had had the temerity to strike
>back in a similar manner a long-time ago. The only
>difference is we would have hit someplace that would have
>been sure to toast a lot more of you cracker bastards,
>instead of working-class people of color.
>Yes! The U.S. deserved to be hit! It was a long-time coming.
>It's a miracle it didn't happen sooner. We're sad for the
>CIVILIANS who died, but this was inevitable.

Point of clarification: the author of the quoted words isn't a "cracker bastard"; she's Japanese. Or are Japanese honorary crackers in McGeeWorld?


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