the current conflict in le monde diplomatique, nov. issue

jean-christophe helary helary at
Wed Nov 7 16:36:39 PST 2001

in last issue of le monde diplomatique (paper version): (the english edition is available through the guardian weekly, about 2 weeks after the french version is released)

buts de guerre. by ignacio ramonet.

only half convincing: "mais comment ne pas redouter aussi que la chasse tout azimuts aux 'terroristes' qu'annonce washington comme but ultime de cette guerre ne provoqie de redoutables derapages et des atteintes a nos principales libertees?"

islamophobie. by alain gresh.

gresh is a specialist of islam and the arab world. he analyses the critics of coran as the source of islamic 'evil' and the conservatives critics who identify islamism/anti globalisation/anti americanism/anti semitism etc. a little too short though.

(i just got the paper last night, no time to read the other related articles.)

les antecedent du general sharon. by amnon kapeliouk.

les libertes sacrifiees sur l'autel de la guerre. by michael ratner.

alibi terroriste pour racisme antimaghrebin. by nasser negrouche.

visages changeants de l'islam politique. by eric rouleau.

demission du conseil de securite. by monique chemillier-gendreau.

du golfe a la chine, des conflits a hauts risques. by vicken cheterian.

controverses a washington. by paul marie de la gorce.

pourquoi moscou a saisi la balle au bond. by nina bachkatov.

au coeur du renseignement americain. by nicky hager.

vers des dommages boursiers collateraux. by ibrahim warde.

double language et guerre bacteriologique. by susan wright.

(jc helary)

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