campus antiwar movement "gaining focus & momentum"

Nathan Newman nathan at
Fri Nov 9 17:29:29 PST 2001

----- Original Message ----- From: "Carrol Cox" <cbcox at> C P wrote:
> BAMN people

-What is BAMN?

BAMN is a front group of a particularly nasty cult-like political organization called the Revolutionary Workers League (RWL). Their basic operandus is to join broad-based coalitions and deliberately destroy them, so that they can assume "leadership" of the much diminished issue and recruit a few new members.

During the mid-90s struggle for affirmative action in California, their leaders would physically assault undergrad leaders, often folks totally new to politics, in order to grab microphones and take over rallies. They organized to create attack groups to disrupt other affirmative action rallies-- at the largest one (about 5000 people), they brought their own sound system to try to shout down speakers like Jesse Jackson and physically attack other people in order to destroy the rally. Because a number of other left folks recognized who they were, we were able to stop most of their disruption that day, but they continued to harass and seek to undermine other groups.

They are without question the most psychotic and nasty group of people I've ever dealt with on the "left" (with quotes since I don't consider them anything but an odd cult)

They have particular strength in Michigan and the Bay Area.

-- Nathan

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