Comrades? Re: "Hit List" Hits IAC/WWP

Chuck Munson chuck at
Tue Nov 13 16:51:34 PST 2001

Doug Henwood wrote:
> Chuck Munson wrote:
> >This isn't just about consensus decision-making. Believe me, I'm in a
> >minority of the anarchist movement which favors pure c-d-m.
> So what about the critique of c-d-m - that it favors the articulate,
> voluble, and charming over the reticent? And that it gives men an
> edge over women, because men are more likely to talk?

That depends on the facilitators and the techniques used. There are certain techniques that are used in c-d-m where the opinion of each person is asked for. That tactic works in small groups, whereas other tactics are effective in large groups.

When I facilitate the flow of discussion in a meeting that uses c-d-m, I give priority to women and people who have been pretty silent during a meeting. I do things a bit differently than other facilitators, who always seem preoccupied with keeping track of who's next on the list. I've been through some incredibly stormy meetings of late. In some of them, it's the women who dominate, so then the problem becomes one of getting the shy people to say stuff.


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