Fwd: Ridiculous Airline Security Story #N, N being large....

Kendall Clark kendall at monkeyfist.com
Tue Nov 20 09:37:46 PST 2001

>>>>> "kwalker2" == kwalker2 <Kelley> writes:

kwalker2> </paste> From: Rohit Khare <Rohit at KnowNow.com> Subject:

kwalker2> Ridiculous Airline Security Story #N, N being large....

kwalker2> Federalizing this -- making it more rigid -- is only going

kwalker2> to hurt the airline industry further.

kwalker2> I know United has been traumatized. I know that I prefer

kwalker2> diversity to literal-minded Federalism...

kwalker2> It's the fear of privatized retribution that makes me fear

kwalker2> for the Republic...

kwalker2> Rohit </paste>

Hehe, this is pretty funny in the sense that Rohit's "native geek libertarianism" is leaking out from the private-profits, socialized-costs world of dot-coms, which he inhabits (that's what KnowNow.com is, his start-up; they basically put an HTTP ("web") server into your web browser using Javascript, and then do relatively neat tricks with http connections and the like; interesting but not radically so) and contaminating the rest of his life.

>From what I know by way of the geek grapevine, Rohit's a decent enough
person (he has a sort of LBO-like list, FoRK ('friends of Rohit Khare'), that is fairly popular among the geekset), but all the carping about 'keep the feds out of the airline industry' is hard to take seriously from someone who is trying to get rich off the publicly-funded and developed Internet.

Best, Kendall Clark -- Honesty subverts!

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