Gadsden Flag Racist?

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Tue Nov 27 09:20:26 PST 2001

> Amid all the flag waving in my neighborhood, I thought about
> buying the original American flag, the classic Gadsden with
> coiled snake and "Don't Tread On Me" demand, and hanging it
> from my front porch.
> But my wife nixed this idea, saying that the flag has racist
> connotations. Years ago, she worked with Jim Ridgeway on a
> CD-ROM (and I believe laserdisc) version of "Blood in the
> Face," which is, as I'm sure most here know, a docu on the
> far right/neo-fascist groups and militias prepping for race
> war and the End of Days. Apparently the Gadsden flag is a fav
> with this crowd, but I always thought they preferred swastikas
> and the Stars & Stripes with the stars replaced with a cross.
> I thought that in the wake of the Patriot Act, the message
> "Don't Tread On Me" would resonate with my neighbors, who
> would inquire as to why I was hanging this flag. But my beloved
> thinks this will make us look like Nazis. What do the enlightened
> here think? DP

I've seen the rattlesnake flag several times in the less posh areas of this outlying backwater of New York City (Staten Island). I feel it is in the same bag as flags of Texas, the Stars'n'Bars, and Harley-Davidson logos -- a sort of lower-class good ol' Whiteboy thing -- but I haven't asked. The great thing about fetishes and totems is that you're not quite sure what they mean, but goddamn they must mean _something_.

Plus it's got a dangerous animal on it. Irresistable!

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