Cossiga vs. Microsoft

Michael Pollak mpollak at
Fri Nov 30 16:03:00 PST 2001

[From NTK, the British geeksheet]

Mr Gates is due in the UK this week, patting Blair's head, helping him find that Start button again, and charitably offering a few hits of the XP subscription-only crack-pipe. God help Bill, though, if gets collared by other more techy European politicians. Windows XP just trashed the hard drive of FRANCESCO COSSIGA, the 73-year ex-Presidente of Italy - and he's out for vendetta. As semi-retired politicians who do their own OS installs go, Cossiga is a tech support case from hell: professor of Law, ex-investigating magistrate, and since quitting the Presidency, a man with plenty of time and who no longer gives a shit. This is a man who idly tarried over details of St Thomas More's wishful dreams of a menage a trois - at a Vatican press conference. He says he's itching to take Microsoft to court. "In the tribunal, we will be able to enjoy ourselves. I'm almost hoping they won't be able to fix it!", he cackles. Worst of all for anyone hoping for a quick fight: he's a radio ham. Capos with callsigns: bad combination.,aid,73304,tk,dn112701X,00.asp - IANAXPOI, but.. - translation of I0FCG's rant courtesy bellissima Louise - you see how it all fits together now? (java)

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