the euro

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at
Fri Nov 30 18:27:32 PST 2001

>I'd love to be a fly on the wall at one of the monthly central
>banker chatfests at the BIS. I can imagine a bunch of dour Euros
>telling Alan that he's got to do something about the c/a deficit.
>And now they're going to have a currency that may force him to do it.

I presume that he tells them that they have to do something about their current account *surplus*: the U.S. has low inflation and (near) full employment--the trade imbalance is driven more by a depressed Europe whose imports are too low than by an overly-exuberant U.S. whose imports are too high.

But if they don't, then we are likely to see a large and rapid depreciation of the dollar sometime in the future...

Brad DeLong

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