>This support for the massacre of worker and peasant leaders by the
>bourgeoisie puts Mr. De Long on the other side of a bloody divide from
>any kind of leftist -- whether trade union militant, anarchist, Marxist
>or any combination or variant thereof. One should no more engage in
>polite discussion with him than with an admirer of Adolf Hitler. He
>should be promptly removed from this list.
Mr. De Long promptly removed himself of his own volition, Sonny, after someone pushed him a little too hard for his taste at a bit of a tense time (surely you remember the World Trade Center, don't you boy?).
I found Brad to be a stuck-up egoist who, nevertheless, could lay out some interesting economic theory to challenge the thoughtless hereabouts.
Yeah, he could be an apologist; that made him wrong, not a pariah to be shunned by "moral majority Marxists". He had the guts to interact with people who could very easily villify him just for his political beliefs, let alone for what he SAID. That counts for something in my book.
Now that I've drawn my line in the sand with you, kid, you want to petition Mr. Henwood to have me expelled so you can have your nice pristine fantasy land where there is no debate or discussion?
Todd Archer