The last Christian crusade against Islam?

Carl Remick carlremick at
Sat Oct 6 13:56:31 PDT 2001

>From: Chris Burford <cburford at>
>At 04/10/01 07:20 +0100, I wrote:
>>Russia to join the attack against Afghanistan?
>>And despite the fact that Afghanistan has defeated all imperialist
>>invasions, it could still be too tempting to consider that it would
>>succumb to a simultaneous invasion of three imperialist powers.
>...History could have gone in two different directions this week. Doves are
>still ascendant and flying a little higher. Not primarily because of the
>global lobbying for peace, though that has been important. To be brutally
>realistic, because global finance capital prefers peace.

Let's hope that continues, but let's be clear about what a major regressive development this grand alliance of the US, UK and Russia potentially is. Consider this from an interview with Blowback author Chalmers Johnson in In These Times:

"Interviewer: Often in times of crisis, there are opportunities. Might this be an opportunity for the American public to look itself in the mirror?

"Johnson: It is possible that we could have a genuine popular reaction. I'm not totally pessimistic. It is perfectly possible we will have a demand from the public that foreign policy becomes important again. If this [Sept. 11] attack is an attack on our foreign policy, as I believe it is, we should be looking much harder at what our foreign policy is. If the United States is now going to go out and bomb some innocent people in Afghanistan who have already gone through two decades of living hell—most of it sponsored by our government and that of the other erstwhile superpower, the former Soviet Union. Then you must say, we deserve what we're going to get." (Full text:

Also, re the Guardian excerpt you posted:

>The reality that Blair
>is at the moment the leader of the world cannot be denied. It is best it
>comes out in form that gives some credence to the issue but carefully
>nuances it so it does not look too arrogant. Better that Bush can
>concentrate on getting angry with Sharon, than with Tony.
>But when memoirs are written we will see that the two most influential
>people who have shaped the development of world history in the last three
>weeks have been Blair and Campbell. And it will not all be boasting.

Perfidious Albion, a Player to the last! Believe me, the sooner Tony Blair is stuffed and put on permanent display at the Imperial War Museum, the safer the world will be.


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