Is there a nonviolent response to September 11?

kelley kwalker2 at
Wed Oct 10 09:23:29 PDT 2001

At 02:38 PM 10/10/01 +0000, Justin Schwartz wrote:
>I see. We just have to murder him because it would be too much of a pain
>in the ass to abide by due process. I see this this situation is bending
>everyone's head in odd ways. And you think France would turn him over to a
>country with the death penalty? I don't think so. jks

thanks for the top post.

no, i'm saying that we can pursue due process, fine by me, and i certainly support that. but i think it's disingenuous to think that a some kind of polite little police force is going to going knocking on anyone's door to serve papers and handcuff a living, breathing bin Laden. it is goofy to think it will. he will die in the fight to bring him out. he will poison himself. whatever.

you might get a few of the folks in the support network, and that's fine by me. they'll be unlikely political targets for hostage-taking situations.

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