
Kirsten Neilsen kirsten at Infothecary.ORG
Thu Oct 11 13:24:36 PDT 2001

i don't know about post gulf war period, but the tabloids have certainly had some interesting (?!?) things to say about bin laden recently ... ----

The AMI tabloids -- which specialize in a mix of celebrity scandal, sex and fantastic stories -- have published many items belittling the hijackers and bin Laden. The Globe said bin Laden had underdeveloped sex organs while The Enquirer promoted toilet paper printed with photos of his face.;jsessionid=IHGHGDDH2VUP4CRBAEO CFFAKEEARMIWD?type=topnews&StoryID=278155


"The Globe and the National Enquirer ... have been exceptionally tough on bin Laden," the paper noted.

Citing the latest Globe report that called bin Laden "a shameful hypocrite, condoning gang-rape, drinking and carousing by his military captains," the Post observed:

"The Oct. 2 issue of the Globe was more incendiary. In a story headlined 'The Face of Evil,' a former CIA agent was quoted as saying bin Laden's rage toward Americans is rooted in being ridiculed by an American woman years ago for having underdeveloped sexual organs."

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